
評分4.6·US$22.00WithAshampooImageCompressor,yousimplysetthedesiredimagequality,pickanoutputlocation,andstartcompressing!EfficientcompressionofJPG,JPEG, ...,1.CaesiumImageCompressorThisisaWindows-basedfreesoftwarethathelpsincompressingimagesinJPG,PNG,JPEG,andBMPformats.,Caesiumisafreesoftwaredevelopedforsimplicityandeffectiveness.Caesiumisoneofthemostpopularimageoptimizationsoftwareavailablehel...

Ashampoo® Image Compressor

評分 4.6 · US$22.00 With Ashampoo Image Compressor, you simply set the desired image quality, pick an output location, and start compressing! Efficient compression of JPG, JPEG, ...

Best 10 Image Compressor Software You Should Know

1. Caesium Image Compressor This is a Windows-based free software that helps in compressing images in JPG, PNG, JPEG, and BMP formats.


Caesium is a free software developed for simplicity and effectiveness. Caesium is one of the most popular image optimization software available helping ...

compress software - image,photo

This is a use of Adobe AIR development of JPG, PNG image batch compression tools.

Compressor image

With this app you can compress your photos the way you want, prioritizing the quality or the final file size, it's all up to you.


x_smoui. Who Why How. loading-progress.

Mass Image Compressor download

評分 4.8 (29) · 免費 · Windows Mass Image Compressor (MIC) is an easy but powerful point & shoot software to compress, convert and resize images in bulk operation.

Open source Image compression app? [Win10]

I'm looking for an offline app that can compress images (other file formats are a bonus!) something like or

Photo Compressor and Resizer

評分 4.8 (55,252) · 免費 · Android Photo Compressor can help you quickly compress photos, adjust photo size or resolution. Allows you to compress large photos into smaller size photos, ...


Squoosh is the ultimate image optimizer that allows you to compress and compare images with different codecs in your browser.

PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 - PNG圖檔批次壓縮最佳化工具

PNGGauntlet 3.1.2 - PNG圖檔批次壓縮最佳化工具
